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Standing with Ukraine

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In Ways the Heart Can Hear


Benefit for Ukranian Families


Friday, June 3

7:30-9 pm

Chocolate Church Annex

Bath, ME

$12 in advance; $15 at door

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Featuring Singer/Guitarists
Daniel Blackerby, John Dennen, and Oliver Rhodes

with a Ukrainian Fairy Tale by Kazkar (Storyteller) Deborah Eve Freedman

Bluebird cafe format: alternating solo songs by the three musicians. Fairy Tale ending, followed by 50-50 raffle drawing.

Tickets may also be purchased in person at Indrani's in the Tontine Mall, 149 Maine Street, Brunswick.

All Sales and Donations Support A Local Ukranian's Family

Misha grew up in Ukraine. He has been a Bath, Maine resident since 2004. All ticket sales and donations will support his sister Sveta and her family who are hiding in a small village in the Zaporizhzhya region of Ukraine (an occupied territory) and his other sister Galya and her family who have fled to Germany. The families have no income at this time, and they are in need of food and basic supplies. The money will also help evacuate Sveta's family from the occupied territory, as well as others of Misha's Ukrainian relatives and friends.


Misha extends his love and gratitude to all.

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This event is being organized by Topsham residents Peggy Schick and Jeff Pinnette in conjunction with the wonderful volunteer featured talent. Love all around.
Call or email us with questions:  207-522-0708 207-798-9119

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Peggy Schick
Astrologer, Regression Therapist, Reiki Master
Soulful Wellness, LLC
298 Maine Street, Brunswick, ME 04011


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