Ongoing Consultation -
In-depth Exploration of Your Psyche
Description of Services and Rates
If you'd like to work with me on an ongoing consultative basis, we can arrange a weekly, biweekly, monthly, or quarterly schedule. This work is best suited for people who have the ambitious goal of character change and/or deep self-knowledge. The pace is slower and the content is deeper than what an annual astrology reading typically offers.
Rate for Ongoing Consultation:
$95 for a one hour consultation, or
With Regression Therapy, $190/session (2-2.5 hours)
I cannot legally refer to my work as "counseling" or "psychotherapy" because I am (intentionally) not licensed, but they are part of what ongoing consultation with me consists of. I have the freedom to explore psychological experiences with my clients from a soul, spirit, and indigenous perspective. A person's difficult psychological and personal challenges require deep attention and soulful exploration, so that you can understand them, learn to let go of old unhelpful behaviors and beliefs, and individuate further into your most authentic, whole self.
At your consultations, I will always have your natal chart, solar return chart, and a current planetary transit chart in front of me. This way, whatever you want to talk about at the session will be supported and amplified by astrological insight. As different insights emerge, if we feel that a regression session could shed further light and help to heal what you are experiencing, we can use one of our upcoming scheduled sessions to do a regression. We can also focus on a dream that you've had, whether it was recent or decades ago. Dream analysis can involve talking, drawing, and/or somatic expression. There is so much information in dreams. Even in the short snippets.
Astrology combined with regression work is incredibly and beautifully insightful. In-depth exploration of the psyche helps clients understand long-term behavioral patterns, hone their unique tools for responding to life's stumbling blocks, heal deep emotional wounding, and achieve a higher level of fulfillment and wholeness in life.
As a Reiki Master, I can offer you a brief Reiki session as part of any consultation. A five- or ten-minute Reiki treatment before a consultation might be just the right thing to help you relax and be in a more open frame of mind, psycho-spiritually.
Please note that health insurance does not cover astrology, regression, or dream analysis. Some insurance companies may cover Reiki treatment, and if yours does, we will include Reiki in each session. Medicare covers Reiki if it is part of a larger treatment plan.
While there is profoundly insightful and helpful information to be gained from astrological consultation and regression hypnotherapy, for treatment of a severe psychological challenge please see a licensed professional, or use astrological consultation and/or regression only as a complement to your psychological treatment and only with the permission of your psychologist or psychiatrist.