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Solstice Eve
Astrology & Meditation
Monday, December 20, 2021, 7-8 PM via Zoom

Join Reverend Cheryl Anderson and Astrologer Peggy Schick in an hour of reflection and intention on Monday, December 20, the evening before the solstice, from 7 to 8pm. The solstice this year brings our attention to Venus.


The goddess of relationship, love, beauty, balance, pleasure, and things we value is retrograde at the solstice, calling for reassessment and re-evaluation. She's also in a strong conjunction with Pluto, the underworld god of power and transformation. Both are in opposition to the full moon. At this time, too, Saturn's square with Uranus is potent. Together these energies tell an emotionally-charged story of the feminine power struggle and the productive tension that builds when rebellion meets resistance.

Image by Ales Krivec

Peggy will share a short presentation about these cosmological energies and their archetypal significance. Cheryl will follow with a guided meditation to prepare us for the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the return to increasing light.


The suggested fee is $20, payable by PayPal at, by Venmo @Peggy-Schick-1, or by check to Cheryl Anderson, 122 Neal Street, Apt 3S, Portland, ME 04102.


There is no need to register in advance. Just click on this Zoom link the night of the event:


If you have questions, please email Cheryl at or Peggy at



Image by Denys Nevozhai
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Peggy Schick
Astrologer, Regression Therapist, Reiki Master
Soulful Wellness, LLC
298 Maine Street, Brunswick, ME 04011


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